
Strapi plugins marketplace

Strapi plugins marketplace. Currently only Strapi v4 is supported. It loads Strapi as a singleton that can be used by multiple test files. Strapi Plugin Request Id: Add a unique id to each request made to your server and track your users' activity in the logs; Author. Today, it is available directly in your app! All Strapi plugins at your fingertips. 2. translations. You can set a strategy to tell what to May 23, 2022 · Publishing your plugin on npm will allow anyone to use it in their Strapi project. Dec 14, 2023 · With a huge plugin ecosystem and extensions, Strapi allows developers to easily add custom features to their projects. After that, the approved plugins are listed on the marketplace. These plugins were developed by the Strapi team, technology/solution partners, and even individual community members. Enable menus in Documentation plugin. The schema and API endpoint documentation for menus will only be generated by the Strapi documentation plugin if menus is included in the documentation plugin config, like the example below. Manage your multilingual content with ease Strapi provides a command line interface (CLI) for creating plugins. 2. To view the redirects, make a GET request to the api Feb 9, 2022 · The marketplace is the answer. How to Install. The Comments plugin should appear in the Plugins section of Strapi sidebar after you run app again. # Using Yarn yarn add strapi-random-sort # Or using NPM npm The Config Sync plugin should now appear in the Settings section of your Strapi app. Demo. ) We recommend always using the latest version of Strapi to start your new projects. ⏳ Installation. This plugin is to quickly connect strapi cms with the medusa, to power two awesome open source system, This plugin decouples bootstrapping and configuration, allowing you greate flexibility. Strapi Plugin Calendar. npm install--save strapi-plugin-shopify Middlewares configuration Webhooks are authenticated with HMAC calculated on the raw body, strapi::body middleware should be configured to pass the unparsed body as following: A plugin for Strapi Headless CMS that provides a Soft Delete feature. Follow the Quick Start Guide for detailed step-by-step instructions or have a look at a video instruction. We are working on improving it. mkdir -p src/plugins. This plugin provides the ability to upload content via a url or a direct file upload to Mux. I really need the following plugins: plugin-documentation: I installed it executing the command yarn add @strapi/plugin-documentation, the dependency “ @strapi /plugin-documentation”: “^4. Randomly sort incoming data without the need of complex middleware; Simple configuration and works with any endpoint; Installation. Strapi plugin creates a Vitest unit testing harness, that can be used to test Strapi apps and standalone plugins. 12. Copy file @strapi+admin+4. The config-sync plugin is one of three plugins I have made open source for Strapi. Format: JPG, PNG. Jun 1, 2022 · The Internationalization plugin is installed by default on all Strapi applications running on version 3. Once a user is authenticated, the plugin creates a Strapi user account for them if it doesn't already exist. If you have already created or migrated a v4 plugin, please share it with Strapi Marketplace. The official plugin marketplace is now available directly in the application. // . For lower versions, a migration is needed (see Update Strapi version (opens new window) in the developer documentation), as well as a manual installation of the plugin (see Installing plugins via the Marketplace). g. ids: The plugin ids to filter. If the dsn property is set to a nil value ( null or undefined) while enabled is true, the Sentry plugin will be available to use in the running Strapi instance, but the service will not actually send errors to Sentry. Defaults to deny all plugins: Object: N/A: No: plugins. It is a new bridge between Strapi users and contributors who are part of the vibrant open-source A Strapi plugin to randomly sort the data of a request. Strapi plugin Entity Relationship Chart. In the config/plugins. Unleash your content with Strapi. js are called. When a Strapi application is initializing, plugins, extensions and global lifecycle functions events happen in the following order: Plugins are loaded and their interfaces are exposed. Every member is free to submit a plugin for review. 1 yarn add patch-package. Management of reviews. Strapi v4 - (current) - v2. Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. Click Next: Tags. yarn develop. json. Save the redirect and it should be output on the endpoint api/redirects. Admin users are able to delete reviews from within the plugin page of the Strapi admin dashboard. x; Strapi v3 - v1. Purpose. Enable the fuzzy-search plugin in the . It makes it easy for admin users to keep track of their content management. The main branch is compatible with Strapi v4. 1 Localize option label. Installation npm install strapi-plugin-slugify # or yarn add strapi-plugin-slugify Configuration. Once created, your plugin can be: used as a local plugin, working only with a specific Strapi project, or submitted to the Marketplace to be shared with the community. or just run Strapi in the development mode with --watch-admin option: yarn develop --watch-admin. A plugin's interface can be extended at step 2 (i 1 npm install @localazy/strapi-plugin@latest && npx @localazy/strapi-plugin The Official Strapi Localization Plugin by Localazy. A fully managed platform for your Strapi apps. npm install strapi-plugin-plausible. A quick description of strapi-plugin-medusajs. 9” has been correctly added to package. The plugin allows to set how many reviews are returned per page by going to the Pagination section under Ratings Plugin of the Settings section. Fill in the required fields (To, From, and Type) for the redirect. That allows you to write code that runs on every environment without additional Enable menus in Documentation plugin. Introducing Strapi Market: the official marketplace Strapi Market is the official marketplace, listing the plugins created by the Strapi team, technology and solution partners, as well as individual community members. 11. 💡 Usage. 0. From strapi-stripe plugin version 2. Strapi ^4. The plugin also syncs the user's Firebase data with their Strapi account. 14. /config/plugins. View on Strapi Marketplace. Adds _softDeletedAt, _softDeletedById and _softDeletedByType fields to all your collection and single content types. 0 Replace Power up your Strapi app with the industry-leading software and easily add custom features using plugins. ","long":"Adds GraphQL endpoint with default API methods. Strapi has an official web plugin marketplace, The Strapi Market, which contains more than sixty (60) plugins to choose from. 6. For working with emails a plugin use Strapi Email Plugin. It's get inspired by varnish cache which is a popular caching solution. "},"id":"graphql","icon":"plug Nov 25, 2022 · The official marketplace for Strapi plugins is the Strapi Market. 5. In order to start making changes in the plugin you first need to install Strapi infrastructure on top of the plugin repository. x. This plugin adds a todo list next to your content in Strapi. Click to Add user to group and check the Developers group to add the new user. Features. After successful installation you have to build a fresh package that includes plugin UI: # with npm $ npm run build && npm run develop # or with yarn $ yarn build && yarn develop ⚙ Configuration Overall plugin configuration . This is a plugin for Strapi headless CMS. Options/Config. How to install: In a root folder of your strapi project run npm install strapi-plugin-entity-relationship-chart --save; Rebuild admin UI strapi build; Run strapi strapi develop; Exclude models from chart Disabling for non-production environments. With this plugin you have full control over which URLs you Get started on Strapi Cloud ☁️. 🛢 Database. Plugins are managed from General > Marketplace and General > Plugins in the main navigation of the admin panel, for anything related to installation and deletion. 0 Replace [{"description":{"short":"Adds GraphQL endpoint with default API methods. You can export either through the CLI or Strapi admin panel. Run npm run postinstall. Files in . It also allows you to generate UUID based on your regular expressions. Strapi plugin gtm-module 🖐 Installation. Getting Started npm install strapi-plugin-import-export-entries. 3, we now have Typescript support and the next step will probably be to migrate all of these plugins to be written in Typescript. Strapi plugin SEO. The default page size is 10. /src/index. In order to develop your plugin, you might have, or not, develop your plugin in a Strapi project. To create a plugin: Navigate to the root of a Strapi project. These plugins are some of the most exciting features of Strapi for me. Visualize your content in a map with month, weekly and daily view. This plugin (and especially this README) took strong inspiration from the strapi-plugin-import-export-content from EdisonPeM. This can be done with: strapi build. By default Strapi does not create plugins folder so we need to create it. Strapi localization doesn't have to be a headache! Install the Strapi localization plugin and seamlessly translate your content into multiple languages with Localazy. Click Create group. Create the best customer experience possible by leveraging your preferred microservices. 11. Only the first screenshot will be displayed for now. Last month, we launched Strapi Market, the official web plugin marketplace. my-plugin) plugins: The plugins to deny or allow the middleware to be registered on. Nov 30, 2021 · The v3 plugins will not be compatible with the v4 and must be migrated. Add the line "postinstall": "patch-package", to the scripts section of the package. But before publishing on npm, you must push it on GitHub. Strapi PasswordLess Plugin. example usage: this_is_label:all:of:this:is:value. Click on the Add New Redirect button to add a new redirect. test. patch located in patches/ of this repository to the folder created in the previous step. Copy the following code and run from your terminal Custom ecommerce functionality. The current supported modes are none, allow or deny: String 'none' No: plugins. Related Plugins. A strapi custom field for selecting multiple options from a provided list of items. Installation. Upload videos using a url or a file to Mux from inside of Strapi; Manage assets with the plugin's asset grid and pagination capabilities; Search for assets using title or Mux Asset ID values Nov 9, 2022 · To create a new Strapi v4. Run yarn strapi generate or npm run strapi generate in a terminal window to start the interactive CLI. It is a place where users can access all plugins. Good news for all Strapi users: now you don’t need to spend too much time to find the necessary plugin. js` file, each test file is independent of others. With yarn. Cloud. From payments to search and helpdesk, Strapi integrates with your preferred platforms and services. The register () and bootstrap () functions in . 4 (use strapi-plugin-sitemap@^3) Strapi ^4. Enjoy 🎉. We have prepared a detailed tutorial on migrating v3 plugins to v4. If empty, a placeholder will be applied. 10. Strapi gives developers the freedom to use their favorite tools and frameworks while allowing editors to easily manage their content and distribute it anywhere. A Marketplace of plugins to add features or integrations. cd strapi. js file: Object {} No Strapi prometheus plugin. Naturally, the plugins created for the v4 will not be compatible with older Strapi versions. # with npm $ npm install strapi-plugin-translate # or with yarn $ yarn add strapi-plugin-translate. Also, if you want to submit it on the Strapi Marketplace, this is mandatory to publish it first on npm. The Firebase Auth plugin works by authenticating users using Firebase Authentication. This will dump all your configuration data to the /config/sync directory. /src/extensions are loaded. exports = { documentation: { config: { 'x-strapi-config Configuration. Supported Strapi version. Strapi plugin Color Picker. The plugin configuration is stored in a config file located at strapi-plugin-todo. mode: The filter mode. As a verified plugin by Strapi team we're available on the Strapi Marketplace as well as In-App Marketplace where you can follow the Setting up the environment. Supported Strapi versions. query duration; queries validated; queries parsed Aug 18, 2022 · Next Steps. Installation npm install strapi-plugin-io # or yarn add strapi-plugin-io Documentation. To start tracking your config changes you have to make the first export. A plugin works together with Strapi User Permissions Plugin and extends it functionality. It’s 100% Javascript, fully customizable and developer-first. npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project. . A Strapi plugin for managing uploads to Mux. Api key given to the function setApiKey. Baboo - @Baboo7. It won't work with Strapi v3. Submit your work to share it with all of the Strapi users. This section focuses on how to install and manage these additional plugins. example usage: my. Log in to your Strapi admin panel and navigate to the Redirects option under plugins. Easily see which Content-Types does have the SEO component or not. Strapi plugin cloudflare-pages. 0 or higher. From the admin panel, administrators are allowed to A plugin for Strapi that embeds Plausible analytics dashboards. 5 project and see the relations in main layout, simply run the following command: 1 npx create-strapi-app my-project --quickstart. 2 Support colons in option values, only first colon is used as separator . The plugin should now be visible in the Plugins section of the Strapi admin panel. Mandatory settings are marked with *. To install this plugin, you need to add an NPM dependency to your Strapi application. This plugin would be enabled by default for super admins only. As a next step you must configure your the plugin by the way you want to. npx create-strapi-app --quickstart strapi. Then, choose appropriate policies under Policy Name: Search for s3 and check AmazonS3FullAccess. Documentation can be found at https://strapi-plugin-io. json, I regenerated node Feb 9, 2022 · Find all the available Strapi plugins on the marketplace. app/ Bugs Power up your Strapi app with the industry-leading software and easily add custom features using plugins. :warning: The Shipper Email (or defaultfrom) may also need to be changed in the Email Templates tab on the admin panel for emails to send properly. Strapi is the leading open-source Headless CMS. CHANGELOG. What is a Strapi Plugin and Why Create a Plugin? Plugins, also referred to as add-ons, are software available to give extra functionalities to our application. Extend Strapi and integrate it with other tools. With npm. How it works. exports = { documentation: { config: { 'x-strapi-config 1 npm install patch-package. See Configuration section. This plugin Strapi Market: the in-app plugin marketplace is live. To install this plugin, you need to add an NPM dependency to your Strapi application: # Using Yarn yarn add @strapi/plugin-color-picker # Or using NPM npm install @strapi/plugin-color-picker Then, you'll need to build your admin panel: Jul 3, 2023 · Follow the steps below to set up permissions for Amazon S3. The plugin verified by Strapi. A Strapi-maintained color picker custom field. A plugin for Strapi Headless CMS that provides ability to sign-in/sign-up to an application by link had sent to email. custom. It lets you easily trigger Cloudflare Pages builds from Strapi. 1 onwards, we have renamed these two tables strapi-stripe_strapi-stripe-payment strapi-stripe_strapi-stripe-product to strapi-stripe_ss-payment strapi-stripe_ss-product for mysql server Min: 250x250. General Options Plugin dedicated to call multiple webhooks for publishing actions. js of your Strapi project. x; NOTE: While this plugin may work with the older Strapi versions, they are not supported, it is always recommended to use the latest version of Strapi. 1. v4. Strapi plugin strapi-plugin-medusajs. With the release of Strapi v4. “ Thanks to the folks at Strapi who made the easiest tool to build database and data relationships. Audit log: integration with Strapi Molecules Audit Log plugin that provides changes track record; ⚙️ Versions. 1. Strapi plugin multi-select. We would love to hear what you think about the new features! npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project Strapi is the leading open-source Headless CMS. Start by adding the plugin as dependency in your Strapi app: # Using Yarn yarn add strapi-plugin-todo # Or using npm npm install strapi-plugin-todo Then build & restart your The Config Sync plugin should now appear in the Settings section of your Strapi app. Additional plugins that you can use to extend and customize your Strapi applications are available in the Marketplace. x; ⏳ Installation Via Strapi Markerplace. js` 'use strict'; module. ); Adds a publishing component to override Strapi's state management, useful with Strapi allows the development of plugins that work exactly like the built-in plugins or 3rd-party plugins available from the Marketplace. Collect API metrics for each call. Choose "plugin" from the list, press Enter, and give the plugin a name in kebab-case (e. Power up your Strapi app with the industry-leading software and easily add custom features using plugins. Mar 17, 2022 · Last month, we launched Strapi Market, the official web plugin marketplace. Once the installation is complete, you need to rebuild the admin panel to apply the changes. The official plugin to make your Strapi content SEO friendly. netlify. key:value. Manage the important tags for your SEO (metatitle, metadescription) and preview your content in the SERP; Manage your meta social tags (Facebook & Twitter) and preview your post. Please refer to @sendgrid/mail. This plugin does several things: Flexible publishing, a URL, in POST or GET, with or without headers ; Allows you to publish to multiple instances (Prod, Preview, etc. Once installed, your plugins are available in Plugins May 2, 2022 · Everything works fine excepted when I introduce some plugins from marketplace. There are 165 different plugins on the Strapi marketplace and over 20 different providers. If you are looking for the version compatible with Strapi v3 please switch to the v3 branch. Create folder patches in the root of your project. The Stripe Payments plugin is designed for Strapi v4. yarn add strapi-plugin-plausible. 12. This plugin provide a way to cache HTTP requests in order to improve performance. x (use strapi-plugin-sitemap@^2) (This plugin may work with older Strapi versions, but these are not tested nor officially supported. Response time in seconds; Request size in bytes; Response size in bytes; Number of open connections; Collect apollo Graphql metrics. Plugin displays Entity Relationship Diagram of all Strapi models, fields and relations. Make sure to set the appropriate permissions for the search route in the Permissions tab of the Users & Permission Plugin for the role to be able to access the search route. The other two are url-alias and sitemap. Jun 1, 2022 · This Plugins section focuses on how to manage plugins in general and provides documentation for the others, non-core plugins. Click Create group and name it. Acknowledgments. Strapi v4. Create a plugin using the CLI-based These plugins are essential for your Strapi application to function and cannot be uninstalled. It can be also used in watch mode. The cache content is stored by a provider, which can be either an in-memory provider, a redis connection, a file system, or any other custom provider. js file add: Usage. You don't have to require your tests from the `app. After rebuilding, restart your Strapi server. The Strapi Advanced UUID Plugin is a custom plugin for Strapi that automatically generates a unique UUID for your content. A simple middleware plugin that adds prometheus metrics to strapi using prom-client; Features. 🤩 Features. The plugin id is the name you set in the plugins. Max: 600x600. Advanced UUID. ri gr mr ky mp ka ty ub gj sk