What are the elements involved in a thorough recruitment plan?

  • Developing your Position Description, including identifying the selection criteria essential to the role.

  • Preparing and submitting advertisements for print and online forums.

  • Fielding enquiries from candidates and conducting preliminary screening.

  • Review of applications and shortlisting against the key selection criteria.

  • Preparation of interview guide tailored to the key selection criteria.

  • Contacting applicants and scheduling interviews.

  • Participation in the interview process, with post-interview analysis of strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.

  • Conducting reference checks for shortlisted candidates.

  • Written and/or oral communications to successful and unsuccessful candidates.

  • Negotiation of salary and other terms and conditions, ensuring relevant Award compliance.

  • Preparation of employment contract capturing agreed terms and ensuring protection for your organisation.

Do you require further information on attracting quality staff? Please contact Claire Farrer on 0419 138 085 or click the link below to send us an email.

Thank you for your support in helping us find the best staff possible. Now all of our positions are filled!

Attracting Quality Staff

Recruiting staff is a time-consuming task that requires focus and attention to detail. A poor recruitment process can not only result in a disappointing hire, it can also lead to financial losses, reputational damage and loss of existing staff.

We can guide you through the various elements of a recruitment campaign (refer to list below), providing advice in some or all those areas where you feel that we adding value to your campaign.