Specialist Review Services
360 Degree Reviews
What is a 360 Degree Review?
A 360 Degree Review is a valuable tool that assists you in understanding your particular skills and strengths in a range of areas associated with effective leadership.
How does it work?
We survey a range of your co-workers including your manager, colleagues and direct reports, asking them for their feedback and perceptions of different aspects of your leadership skills. This data is collated and analysed to provide a comprehensive written report of your strengths, skills and development areas.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of such as reviews are wide-ranging. For the individual, it provides a comprehensive evaluation of leadership skills, as perceived from a range of perspectives. It also brings to light any skills gaps, encourages self-awareness and provides goals for addressing improvement areas. Organisationally, it has also been shown to increase collaboration and productivity.
Remuneration Reviews
What is a Remuneration Review?
A Remuneration Review is where we compare the salary of your executives, managers or high performing team members to the salaries received by their peers in other like organisations as well as organistions of a similar size and complexity to yours.
How does it work?
We utilise a range of data sources to provide comparison and analysis of the salaries of your team members to the salaries and benefits available in similar roles, based on a number of factors which may include the size of the organisation, geographical location, number of employees and operating budget.
What are the benefits?
Through this process, you will ensure that you are rewarding your high performing team members in line with industry standards and therefore minimise the risk of losing quality staff to competitors or other organisations. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the growth and development of team members.
Should you wish to discuss the benefits available to you and your organisation through our specialist review services, please contact Gavan Cooper on 0427 973 306 or via email at gavan@cooperhardiman.com.au.
Employee Engagement Reviews
What is an Employee Engagement Review?
An Employee Engagement Review is an organisation-wide ‘pulse-check’ which provides employers with a better understanding of their workplace culture and reveals how motivated and engaged their employees are to perform their best at work.
How does it work?
We survey your workforce through a range of tailored questions which staff members complete anonymously. Our skilled advisors collate and analyse this feedback to determine areas in which the organisation is excelling and any areas in which improvements can be made.
What are the benefits?
Through this process, you will gain a thorough understanding of how your employees feel about your organisation. By providing your team with the opportunity for their voice to be heard, you will strengthen morale, improve workplace culture, build trust from your team, identify skills gaps and potentially improve retention rates and increase productivity.