When is an investigation required?

Some of the circumstances in which our clients find it beneficial to engage us include:

  • Where there are serious allegations of breach of company policies or procedures such as bullying, harassment or discrimination claims.

  • If it is suspected that an incident of misconduct has occurred and the facts are not clear or may be disputed.

  • Where there are competing versions of events and expertise is required to identify the true state of affairs.

  • Where allegations are made against senior managers or a CEO where there would be a perception of bias if a person employed by the organisation was to conduct the investigation.

What to expect from us

  • Assistance in identifying the investigation scope.

  • Support in preparing communications to complainant, respondent and witnesses as required.

  • Experienced investigators who are skilled in engaging sensitively or assertively as required with a range of personality types and who will apply the principles of natural justice in all dealings with respondents and/or their representatives.

  • Preparation of written witness statements for all persons interviewed.

  • Comprehensive investigation report including an executive summary, outline of the process of the investigation, detailed findings of fact and clear recommendations (where requested).

  • Fast turnaround and a pragmatic approach without compromising the integrity or thoroughness of the investigation.

For further information or to enquire about a potential workplace investigation, please contact Gavan Cooper at gavan@cooperhardiman.com.au or Ed Thomas at ed@cooperhardiman.com.au.

When an allegation of bullying, discrimination, harassment or other inappropriate workplace behaviour is made it is critical that your organisation investigates thoroughly and responds appropriately. Our experienced workplace investigators will identify the issues for investigation, interview relevant witnesses and provide a comprehensive written report that outlines the relevant evidence and findings. Where requested, we also separately provide recommendations for immediate actions to bring the investigation to a close, including suggested correspondence to involved parties, and may also provide recommendations (where appropriate) for improvements in workplace policies or practices to mitigate future risks. 

Workplace Investigations